If everyone is okay with this as expressed, the redraft proposal has been put to bed at this point and can be revisited in the future. There are proposals to our current format that need to be addressed immediately and will be implemented this upcoming season if passed. The following proposals should be voted on...
1. Should non-lottery (Round 6-20) draft picks be available to trade? (Yes/No)
2. Should lottery players be available to be traded for draft picks? (Yes/No)
**These first two were misunderstood by some last season when voting took place. These rules were to some degree created to avoid fire sales. If "yes" for #1 passes players can be traded for future draft picks as was the case before last year. If "no" passes for #1 only player-for-player trades can take place. If "yes" passes for #2 any player regardless of where they were drafted are available to trade for future picks. If "no" passes for #2, players drafted in the first 5 rounds are not eligible to be traded for future picks. Players drafted after the 5th round would still be eligible to be traded for future picks.
3. How long should non-lottery players be allowed to be kept?
A. 5 years (our current model)
B. 3 years
***If a change is made to the keeper rule all players who have exceeded the new rule will be grandfathered in for one season unless they exceed the 5-year model.
4. Should free agent/wavier players be allowed to be kept? (Yes/No)
***Some feel it has been unfair as these players were undrafted or dropped and then won by the highest bidder via FAAB. If "yes" passes current and future players that were/are FA pickups will be allowed to be kept for how ever many years are passed under proposal #3. If "no" passes, current FA players will be grandfathered for one year, and future FA pickups will not be allowed to be keepers.
If there are any questions to the following proposals, please contact your representative. Please submit your votes to your rep by 8:00pm on 8/4.
Offseason Itinerary
- July 31st, Wednesday - Voting opens up. The Deadline to vote is 8 PM Sunday, August 4th.
- August 5th, Monday - Podcast explaining Verdict. Start other minor rule change votes. Start voting on those changes to be completed by August 9th at 8 PM.
- August 9th, Friday - Soft Keeper Deadline 6 PM & beginning of Draft Order Pick Selection.
- August 16th, Friday 8 PM - Final keepers due - August 24th, Saturday - Draft Day
Last edited by cousinal111 (7/31/2024 3:12 pm)